Midland Sports Auctions
Midland Sports Auctions
Regular Auctions held for all types of Sporting Memorabilia
Welcome to Midland Sports Auctions
Welcome to Midland Sports Auctions
Our latest auction will open for bids on the 1st Sept 2024 and will be run over three days, with the first lots concluding on Sunday 29th Sept 2024
As usual all lots can be viewed on the Saleroom. com ( Please see link below )
If you require any further information on any lots or the auction then please drop me a email at matthew@midlandsportsauctions.co.uk or call 07966 961852 and we will be happy to help.
We are also able to accept commission bids by email or post, please see the 'About Us' section for contact details and please use the West Bromwich office details.

We at MSA have over 30 years experience dealing in the sale of Sporting Memorabilia, with particular experience in the field of football related items.
MSA offer a fully professional service to both those looking to to sell items and those wishing to enhance their own collections.
Should you wish to discuss any item/items that you may wish to auction or sell then please contact either us, we will be happy to explain the process and give advice on the possible prices you could obtain in auction with no obligation on your part.
MSA are happy to auction/purchase both collections or single items. You may be pleasantly surprised as to the value your items could obtain in today's market.
Although we specialise in Football related items are more than happy to accept and include in our Auctions items from any other type of sports.
So if you have any items at all then contact MSA first, don’t worry if you think no one would be interested in your particular items it will only take one call to perhaps discover that you have something of real value.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!